Quarterly review of economic news and FÉRIQUE Funds
In addition to the results of the FÉRIQUE Funds, discover the economic outlook for the coming months, related to inflation, artificial intelligence and geopolitical tensions.

Returns are shown after management fees have been deducted. FÉRIQUE Funds aim to outperform the median returns of comparable funds within their category, with reasonable risks and some of the most affordable management fees in the industry*.
Daily values are generally updated before midnight, each day the Toronto Stock Exchange is open. Due to extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, information may not be available as of the last business day. This will be published as soon as possible. Note that information on the price of the funds you hold is also available on the Portal, under the details of the funds in the My accounts section. Securities regulations prohibit us from publishing the performance of an investment fund that has been available for less than one year.
Effective October 25, 2024, the International Equity Fund acquired assets from the FÉRIQUE Asian Equity Fund in a reorganization and the investment objectives of the Fund were changed. The performance prior to the effective date of the reorganization represents the performance of the FÉRIQUE European Equity Fund (now the FÉRIQUE International Equity Fund) with its prior investment objectives. The reorganization and the investment objectives changes could have materially affected performance of the Fund had they been in effect throughout the entire performance measurement period.
To invest in a Fund or find out if it is suitable for your investor profile, contact FÉRIQUE Investment Services, the principal distributor of the FÉRIQUE Funds.
There’s a Portfolio for you
Each FÉRIQUE Portfolio is tailored for a specific investor profile, allowing you to invest based on your own risk tolerance.
Professional management
FÉRIQUE Fund Management selects and closely monitors respected managers, while paying special attention to risk management.
A major advantage
FÉRIQUE Funds’ management expense ratios (MERs) are among the lowest in the industry1. Make the comparison!
Responsible investment
Help create a better future without jeopardizing the returns on your investments.
FÉRIQUE is a registered trademark of Gestion FÉRIQUE and is used under license by its subsidiary, Services d'investissement FÉRIQUE. Gestion FÉRIQUE is an Investment Fund Manager and assumes management duties in relation to the FÉRIQUE Funds. Services d'investissement FÉRIQUE is a Mutual Fund Dealer and a Financial Planning Firm, as well as the Principal distributor of the FÉRIQUE Funds. Please note that for commercial purposes, Services d'investissement FÉRIQUE is also known in English as FÉRIQUE Investment Services. There may be brokerage fees, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses associated with investment in the Funds. Management expense ratios vary from one year to another. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values fluctuate frequently and past performance may not be repeated.