It's time to contribute!
CONTEST - Until March 3, 2025, you could win one of 5 prizes of $1,000 by investing in a FÉRIQUE Fund for your RRSP, TFSA, FHSA, or RESP with FÉRIQUE Investment Services. Conditions apply. See contest rules.
Don’t just put money aside, engineer your success by investing in FÉRIQUE Funds.
Actively managed by renowned managers, FÉRIQUE Funds offer a wide range of mutual funds, including turnkey solutions with some of the lowest management fees in Canada1.

Save up to 18% of your income2 by reducing your taxable income and deferring income tax until withdrawal!
- Contribution deadline for the 2024 tax year: March 3, 2025
Did you know?
Did you know? You can make withdrawals from your RRSP and benefit from tax deferral to purchase a home (up to $60,000) or finance a return to school (up to $20,000).

Take advantage of the flexibility of the TFSA to save tax-free, with the added benefit of being able to contribute and withdraw money at any time. You contribute and withdraw without being taxed, whenever it suits you!
- Maximum annual contribution for 2025: $7,0003
- Contribution deadline for the 2025 tax year: December 31, 2025
Did you know?
Withdrawing money from your TFSA frees up an equivalent contribution room for the following year. For example, if you withdraw $5,000 this year, your contribution room will increase by $5,000 next year.

The FHSA allows first-time homebuyers to save tax-free. Additionally, contributions made to an FHSA are deductible, reducing your taxable income.
- Maximum annual contribution for 2025: $8,000
- Contribution deadline for the 2025 tax year: December 31, 2025
Did you know?
Unused amounts from the annual contribution limit can be carried forward up to $8,000.

The RESP allows you to save money and grow it tax-free (within allowed contribution limits). Up to $750 in government grants4 can be added to your annual contributions (maximum of federal and provincial grants per year). A great way to give a boost to your children or grandchildren!
- Annual contribution required per child to receive the maximum annual grants: $2,500
- Contribution deadline for the 2025 tax year: December 31, 2025

Contribute to an RRSP, TFSA, FHSA, or RESP by March 3, 2025, with FÉRIQUE Investment Services, the main manager of FÉRIQUE Funds, and get a chance to win one of 5 prizes of $1,0005.
Maximize your chances!
Each account type you contribute to gives you an additional chance to win. By contributing to all four eligible account types for the contest, you quadruple your chances!

Have you found the Portfolio that matches your investor profile? FÉRIQUE Portfolios are turnkey investment solutions that cater to different investor profiles, from the most conservative to the most bold, based on their risk tolerance. The higher the proportion of equity funds in its composition, the greater its potential return.

Competitive returns
Our funds aim to deliver returns above industry medians with a reasonable level of risk. By investing in them, you gain a significant advantage: management fees among the lowest in Canada1.

Professional management
FÉRIQUE Fund Management selects world-renowned managers and closely supervises them, with a strong focus on risk management.

Responsible investing
Since 2006, our commitment to responsible investing has allowed us to contribute to a better future without compromising the financial performance of your investments.

To invest in a Fund or to find out if it's suitable for your investor profile, contact FÉRIQUE Investment Services, the primary manager of FÉRIQUE Funds.
Contribute or open an account

Online at any time
Open an account on the Portal or on the mobile app
(you will be directed to https://portail.ferique.com to connect to the Portal)

On the phone
Contact the Advisory Team
T 514 788-6485
Toll-free 1 800 291-0337
Regular Hours:
Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 8 pm
Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
Special schedule:
Saturdays: February 22 and March 1, 8 am to 4 pm
Friday: February 28, from 8 am to 8 pm
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A complete approach adapted to your financial needs to ensure a smooth transfer of your wealth according your wishes.

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FÉRIQUE supports engineering graduates, their families, and their businesses. What does that mean in practical terms?
Services for entrepreneurs
- Planification financière personnelle
- Accès à un réseau d'experts (notaires, fiscalistes, avocats, spécialistes en assurances, etc.)
Régimes d'épargne collectifs
Nos solutions pour les PME sont conçues pour être à la fois simples à déployer et faciles à gérer. En plus du REER ou du CELI, vous avez accès, grâce à notre partenare Groupe Conseil Ringuet, à une multitude de régimes différents : RPDB, RRS, RVER, RRCD, etc.
Assurances collectives
Grâce à Groupe Conseil Ringuet, notre partenaire pour l'assurance collective, vous obtiendrez une solution profitable, adaptée et chiffrée pour votre entreprise. Contactez-nous pour découvrir comment l'assurance collective peut contribuer au bien-être de vos équipes et au succès de votre entreprise.
Comptes d'investissement pour entreprises
Votre entreprise souhaite investir dans un compte de placement (compte de gestion ou en fiducie)? Vous pouvez compter sur notre équipe et des solutions de placement adaptées à vos besoins.

FÉRIQUE Fund Management and FÉRIQUE Investment Services are involved in engineering succession and support projects and students who stand out.
Thanks to the Les Anges du génie contest, over $35,000 in prizes will be awarded in total, and the winning projects will be revealed during a Facebook event broadcast on January 16 at 7 pm.
Each team will have to convince the Angels, a jury made up of professionals from the engineering and finance sectors, to award them the FÉRIQUE Favorite Prize, worth $5,000, to fund their project.

Starting in January 2025, when you invite someone to become a client, you have a chance to win one of 5 monthly prizes of $150.
Spouses, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, and sisters of eligible individuals (graduates or students in engineering, or employees of a company with a group savings plan) can invest in FÉRIQUE Funds.
Une autre bonne raison de leur en faire profiter!
- The management expense ratios of FÉRIQUE Funds are among the lowest compared to their benchmark universe in Canada, according to Fundata Canada Inc.
- Check your notice of assessment or contact the CRA to find your RRSP deduction limit
- This amount does not take into account any cumulative contribution room you may have accumulated.
- RESP contributions are eligible for a federal grant (Canada education savings grant – CESG) equal to 20% of annual contributions, up to $500, with a lifetime limit of $7,200. Québec residents can also receive a provincial grant (Québec education savings incentive – QESI) equal to 10% of annual contributions, up to $250, with a lifetime limit of $3,600.
- Terms and conditions apply. See the contest rules.