We wish to inform you of a delay in the printing and mailing of quarterly statements for some of our clients. These will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Stock indices

The FÉRIQUE Funds are valued every day that the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is open for business. TSX market hours are from 9:30 am to 4 pm (Eastern time). All transactions for FÉRIQUE Funds will be valued at the price in effect at the close of the market.

Withdrawal of Stock Indices

Important update regarding stock indices on our site

We would like to inform you that following changes in access rights to information, we have had to remove stock indices from our website.

We remind you that this information remains freely accessible on various platforms specializing in financial data.

For any questions related to your finances, the FÉRIQUE Investment Services team of advisors remains at your disposal.

We thank you for your understanding and trust.

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