We wish to inform you of a delay in the printing and mailing of quarterly statements for some of our clients. These will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Wealth Management

Planification fiscale de fin d’année (in French)

Découvrez les actions que vous pouvez entreprendre avant le 31 décembre afin d’améliorer votre situation fiscale et apprenez-en plus sur les nouveautés fiscales de 2024.



2024 tax planning clips (in French)

  • RRSP 2024: What you need to know

  • TFSA 2024: Beware of stock market speculation

  • Housing tax credit: What changes in 2024

  • FHSA: A summary of the advantages

  • QPP 2024: New contribution rates

  • RRIF 2024: What’s new

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