Our values
We share a set of values and focus on diversity, a wealth that we share with all our clients.

Treating our clients as we would treat ourselves
A client-oriented service company is nothing out of the ordinary. But what if we told you that we offered our financial services as an NPO? Does that pique your curiosity? And when we say that we reinvest all our profits to benefit our clients and we never receive commissions as compensation, it’s for real. It’s just as simple as that. We treat our clients as we would treat ourselves.

Working toward common goals
As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. Now imagine what you can do with 71 heads. That’s how we act as a catalyst for financial independence. By working hand in hand. Working together by sharing our expertise. Working with clients by listening to their needs. To be collaborative involves working toward common goals. In all frankness, our goals are to get better results for our clients and to ensure their satisfaction.

Striving to be the best version of ourselves
Our team members are carefully selected. Why? It’s just another example of our dedication to our clients. We strive to offer them the very best. Do we claim to achieve excellence? No. We’re too humble for that. But we aim for it with our every action. We always try to be the best version of ourselves.

Being straight with our clients
We’re objective and unbiased. Without exception. That’s what it means to be an NPO – to stay true to yourself. This authenticity means our actions back up our words. We answer any and all questions, because we have nothing to hide. Because what really counts for us is the results we get for our clients. In short, we don’t shy away from the real issues and we’re always straight with our clients.

Creating a positive impact
We’ve always demonstrated our commitment to engineering professionals. This commitment is in our DNA and it goes back to the founding of FÉRIQUE. For a number of years we’ve been taking it a step further. We were among the first firms to adhere to the Principles for Responsible Investment. In other words, we make a point of determining not only what will serve our clients best over the long run, but also what’s best for the community. It’s part of what having a positive impact is all about.